A magazine about programmers, code, and society. Written by and for humans since 2018.

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Welcome to the thirteenth issue of De Programmatica Ipsum, dedicated to the subject of Programming Languages. In this edition, the first of Volume 2 of this magazine, Adrian explains some major changes in the structure and flow of this magazine, Graham exhorts us to think about mother Earth when choosing a programming language, and Adrian dives into memory lane looking for his first lines of code.

Welcome to the second year of De Programmatica Ipsum. Maybe you will have noticed some subtle, small changes in the layout of this magazine. Let us explain them to you in detail.

Selecting the correct programming language for a particular task often feels like a bunfight. Suggestions are thrown around based on the individual's preferences and desires. The experience is very likely to leave one feeling that programming is an art, rather than a science.

Once upon a time, during the summer of 1992. It was, if I remember well, around the 15th of July. I wrote my first line of QBasic code on a blue text editor, fueled by the eponymous PRINT command.

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