A magazine about programmers, code, and society. Written by humans since 2018.

Check out the Vidéothèque playlist on YouTube!

Steve Jobs

In 2019 an extraordinary team of web development and design celebrities gathered in the offices of CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, to build an emulator of the original web browser created by Tim Berners-Lee, known as WorldWideWeb.  This emulator is available online and, fittingly enough, runs on a modern web browser.

Mike Monteiro

Erika Hall and Mike Monteiro founded Mule Design, a design consultancy in San Francisco, around 20 years ago. Mike was (in)famously known around a decade ago on Twitter, where his profanity-laden rants about design, ethics (or lack thereof), unionization, and open condemnation of fascism, reached peaks of popularity and retweets.

Gary Bernhardt

One of the most visible side-effects of specialization is that we miss on interesting things existing in other technical galaxies. This is one of the main goals of this magazine; to point to stars in other locations of the sky and let people discover amazing new people. If you are not in the web, JavaScript, or Ruby galaxies, you might have missed on Gary Bernhardt, and that would be too bad.

James Coplien

For some shameful reason, most probably because of some profound ignorance on our side, we managed to publish four years of this magazine without mentioning James "Jim" ("Cope") Coplien not even once. It is high time to correct this, and there is no better moment to do that than in this issue dedicated to Object-Oriented Programming.

Bret Victor

The first video of this series will feature none other than Bret Victor in one of his most memorable talks. We have already discussed Bret in a previous article about Smalltalk, where we named him one of the most influential figures in that galaxy. This video, however, shows that his light shines much brighter than that.

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