A magazine about programmers, code, and society. Written by and for humans since 2018.
By Carola Nitz, January 7th, 2019
When we think of Programming we might think of the creative process. We all know that, we will conclude here that programming is in some way both artful and scientific. Is there ever any doubt about it? In my book the proportion of what is science and what is art has shifted over the years, but let us take a closer look.
By Roland Leth, January 7th, 2019
There is a question that has been around forever, and that we love tossing around now and then: is programming science or art? Some are adamant about the fact that it is related to computers, and it is very technical, so it is surely science. Are they right?
By Anastasiia Vixentael, December 3rd, 2018
Only those who (happily) live under a rock may have missed the latest news. One company has a critical security bug, another has leaked emails and passwords to millions of user accounts (yours and mine included,) and another will be fined millions of Euros due to a GDPR violation. I do not want to add to the existential dread, but I would love to discuss the problems behind creating secure software.
By Ioana Porcarasu, November 5th, 2018
I started my journey into software engineering as an Automation in Test Engineer, around 7 years ago, and at that stage I had no idea what a complex concept quality was. During Computer Science university courses, we kept learning basics of programming languages, OOP, logic, maths, but barely close to nothing about what it involved into a product lifecycle. How do you get from one idea into an entire product available to customers, with a whole system on its back to monitor and track the users behaviour, to learn from their journeys and add improvements to it? And where is quality standing in these workflows?